We have been enjoying our little man and our new family dynamic of four. I must admit, the adjustment into a mom of two little ones took longer than I expected. Now that Jake is pushing 6 months, I think we've finally found our rhythm.
My little man has been such a sweet gift. I am blown a way, and a bit sad, that so many milestones have already come and gone. Jake has the sweetest spirit. He is content with nearly any situation and rarely fusses. He is finally entertaining the idea of food and today his first tooth broke the surface. He's working hard on sitting up and squirming and rolling desperately across the floor. It won't be long before he's off and running. He adores his big sister and could watch her endless singing and dancing for hours. The bond they share amazes me...it started before he was even born. He would often shift in the womb at the sound of Haley entering the room. I know their bond will always be tight. Before he arrived, I didn't know what it would be like to share my love, attention and affections between two little ones. I have been amazed in these last six months that I haven't had to split my love at all, Jake simply opened a new corner of my heart...a corner reserved just for him. I had forgotten how easy it is to fall hopelessly in love with such a small, helpless little person. I am honored to be his mommy and am loving our days of watching him grow and learn.
One of my prayers for Haley before Jake was born was for her to be excited about her little brother and to not be jealous of him. So far, so good. She is enamored with her "baby." She loves to help with him, entertain him and teach him how to play with his toys. She has never expressed any envy or ill will against him. From the day he entered our lives, she has been nothing but excited about him. She has taken on her new role of big sister like a pro, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. Like the rest of us, she is anxious to teach him about life, although I'm sure her perspective will be special indeed.
My sweet Toby has been such a rock...my hero. I am thrilled for him to have a son, and as a bonus Jake is Toby's little clone. When sitting in his daddy's lap, the resemblance is uncanny. But when you look at Toby's baby pictures, you can barely tell them apart. Toby is so proud of his son, and so helpful in every way. There is nothing I love more than watching my sweet babies adore their daddy. I am truly one blessed woman. The gifts God has given me in these three people are beyond what I ever imagined.
Stick with me over the next few days as I hope to update you on the last six months. I pray you each had a wonderful Christmas celebration and have been able to enjoy priceless family time throughout this holiday season.
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