I have a new hobby of stretching a buck. As a mom of a toddler, here are some of our secrets:
Dave Ramsey - He's got lots of great stuff available, but we used (and loved) Financial Peace University
Homemade laundry detergent - courtesy of the Duggar family
I have found the Fels-Naptha at Kroger and Publix. Wal-Mart carries the Borax, and you can also find Borax and Super Washing Soda at Kroger.
Cloth diapering - tons of info out there, but this is my favorite brand (We use the Pocket All in Ones.)
Grocery coupons - Again, tons of great info out there, but this is my favorite
Baby food
Steam fruit or vegetables and puree in a blender with water. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Pop cubes into zip top bags and pull out as many as you need in the future. Each cube is about one ounce and only takes 30 seconds in the microwave to thaw and heat.
Handmade Christmas presents - alphabet photography