My heart overflowed yesterday with it's sweetest moment to date...
My daughter, Haley, and I were headed to her room for quiet time and she started pretending there was a crocodile chasing us down the hall, like in her Little Einsteins movie. I played along and we ran fast into her room and I quickly shut the door behind us. We ran and jumped on her bed and I told her that she was safe on the bed...the crocodile couldn't get to her if she was on the bed. I felt the Spirit pushing me...
"Haley, can you say this? 'Do not fear...for I am with you.' " Her sweet voice repeated each phrase. I asked her, "Do you know who said that?" She just looked at me, a little confused. I told her, "Jesus said that!" We've talked a lot lately about how much Jesus loves us and how He's always with us. She started patting her chest and said, "Jesus is in my heart." I think this statement may be a twist on what I had taught her earlier...Jesus talks to us, but we can't hear Him with our ears, we hear Him with our hearts.
"You know what, Haley? Jesus can live in your heart. Do you want Him to?" To which I received an enthusiastic, "YEAH" as she rolled back on her bed. I said, "Ok, repeat after me...Jesus...please come live in my heart...and love me forever...and I will love you forever." I pray that in all of my days, I never forget the sound of those sweet words coming out of her mouth!
I recognize that she's only 2 1/2 and that there is much she doesn't understand, but I also think these little people understand far more than we give them credit for. So as the years roll on, we will continue to worship Jesus, to love well, to read scripture and incorporate it into every aspect of our lives, and I will hold fast to the promise my God made...
"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." (
Prov 22:6)
Thank you, Jesus, for loving Haley so much! I recognize that she is not mine, she is Yours. You have entrusted her to me and Toby to teach her, love her and lead her to You. I pray protection over her sweet heart and blessings over her life as Your remarkable plan for her life gets under way...even now, at 2 years old!!