Friday, December 24, 2010

Mary, my hero

As is our Christmas Eve tradition (ok, second year in a row and hope to continue each year), we watched the Nativity Story together as a family tonight. I'm always taken aback by the emotion and life that comes from the movie...more so than from just reading the story from Luke.

I am always struck by Mary's young age, yet her mother even commented that she was married even younger. This seems so foreign and almost abusive in our culture, but to understand that her father's act of giving her to Joseph was a great gift of love, paints the situation in a new light. To see the poverty and oppression these people lived under brings to life why they were so eagerly waiting for a political leader to free them from their abuse. Mary seemed to know that the Messiah would not be that kind of king.

When the angel appeared to her, she calmly agreed and offered herself in obedience. She couldn't possibly understand in that moment all that she was agreeing to...bearing a child out of wedlock and the stigma that would follow her, likely for the rest of her life. Yet, she humbly replied, "Let it be done to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38) It makes me think, "How many times has God asked me to do something for His kingdom, even something small, and my response is opposition or a pitiful excuse? What would our world be like, if we all displayed Mary's humility, trust and obedience? Sure there have been times we have been hugely obedient, but what about the small things? "Carey, I want Toby to quit his job, for you to move back to Mobile and I'll fill you in on the rest later." We were eager with this big thing, "Sure! Let's go" "Carey, I want you to walk across the street and love on the lonely single mom that lives there." "Ooo, I don't know. I don't seem to have much in common with her. I'm not sure how she'll react to my friendship. Maybe later." What is that?!? How is it that we could so easily obey with the life altering command, but now I can't bring myself to pass on His love to the very people He brought us here for? Jesus, please help me to trust You and be obedient with Mary's great faith.

So Mary receives this earth shattering (yeah, literally) prophecy. What's the first thing a 14 year girl wants to do with big news? Duh, share it with the first person who will listen! Well, this wasn't quite that kind of news. She may not have known the full picture, but she knew enough to know that turning up with a baby while engaged could quickly get her killed. This was a BIG deal and Mary knew it. I doubt she even shared this news with her mother at first. I can only imagine the thoughts going through her mind with the gravity of what had happened. Now, she went to visit Elizabeth who immediately responded to her presence with excitement and blessing (Luke 1:39-56). Our sweet Jesus knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Mary needed to talk. She needed someone who understood and someone who supported her. By God's grace, Elizabeth understood before Mary told her one word about what had happened and why she had come to visit. As we watched the movie tonight, I let out a sigh as Elizabeth embraced Mary and the weight of all that she was carrying was lifted, if only for a while. Thank you God, for giving Mary the love, acceptance and encouragement she needed during such an overwhelming time!

Joseph will always blow my socks off. He was an honorable man and could have easily (and rightfully) had Mary stoned for her apparent infidelity, but his love of the Lord and his obedience spared her life. I wonder what their journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was really like. In the movie, Mary and Joseph get to know each other for the first time and he proves to be a servant of the Lord and a servant to others. He is strong, humble, caring. Perhaps their trip really went that way. God knew that Mary and Joseph had a difficult road together, and He was working, even at this rocky, early stage of their marriage, to knit them into one flesh. Thank you God for your provisions for marriage. I pray a special blessing over all marriages today, that they would be strengthened and that husbands and wives will work together, with servant hearts for the good of Your kingdom.

When they finally made it to Bethlehem and Mary goes into labor, I can only imagine the myriad of emotions that coursed through them. Their was likely the excitement any couple feels as they prepare to welcome their child, but more than that great anxiety...where to settle to deliver the baby and the actual delivery itself. Perhaps Mary had been a part of Elizabeth's delivery of John, but she was still a girl herself with no mother or midwife to help her through. Men weren't generally invited to partake in the childbirth experience and having no previous children, Joseph was certainly completely lost and overwhelmed. Even though the fear of the moment was likely enormous, I like to think that God's mercy and supernatural peace filled every inch of that stable. My motto from the last year has become, "God will never ask you to do something and then not provide what you need to do it." I have to believe the same was true for Joseph and Mary on the scary night. He provided exactly what they needed, exactly when they needed it. He is so good and His timing is impeccable!

After the movie was over, I thought for a bit about how God's hand was fully involved with every single step of bringing Jesus into our world. Not only had He waited for the right time in history, but He had specifically chosen Mary and Joseph, out of all of humanity from all time, these are the two people He entrusted His son to. He knew that they loved Him, that they would be obedient to the scriptures and to His specific instructions to them, and that they would prepare Jesus for His ministry and ultimately His precious sacrifice. He protected Mary from stoning when she turned up pregnant out of wedlock. He orchestrated the census and coordinated the timing of Jesus' birth with the fulfillment of ancient prophesy. He protected the tiny baby Jesus from Herod's numerous attempts to destroy Him. God's eye did not leave that little family for one second. He had a great plan for that baby and He was going to see it fulfilled.

As I checked on my sleeping Haley tonight, I thought, "Jesus, I love her so much. I totally understand the adoration Mary had for that baby and her instinct to protect him with everything she had." I cannot fathom the thought of someone tearing into my home and killing my two year old right in front of me...a horror that many mothers in Bethlehem endured (Matt 2:16-18). The need to protect my Haley was overwhelming and physical. I couldn't tear myself from her room. Just then, I heard the beautiful, still small voice, "I love you that much. Just as I love Jesus and I had a plan for Him while He was on the earth and I protected Him all of His days, I love you that much." As soon as the voice finished, I heard a song of confirmation from Haley's stereo..."Yes, Jesus loves me." I am totally undone when I try to imagine the depth of His love for me. For ME! Carey! Of all people, I am nothing special. I'm not noteworthy in this world's eyes. I am not worthy of the love and affection of the master of the universe. But yet, He sees me. He knows every thought and He has a wonderful plan, just for me. And just as He used Mary, a nobody from a nowhere town, He can use me to change this world forever...if I would only respond with Mary's trust and obedience...."May it be done to me according to your word." And nothing more excuses or procrastination. When He says "go," world changers go. They don't ask questions or complain or pout or negotiate the details. They trust the Almighty and they go.

Sweet Abba, I will never understand the depth of Your love for me. I will never understand how Your grace and mercy are never ending and You give them so freely and in such abundance. I will never understand how You were able to send your son here for me. Although I will never understand these things, please help me to never take them for granted. Thank you for sending Jesus to love me with all that He had. Thank you for loving me with the depth of love You have for Him. Help me to grasp this and trust it more each day. Help me to walk in Mary's obedience and faithfulness and to share Your love and Your mercy with every soul I encounter, without hesitation, from this day forward. I want to be a world changer like Mary. Please lead me closer to You, day by day. With all that I have to give...

Labor of Love by Andrew Peterson
This is a glimpse, please take a few minutes to quiet your soul and experience this incredible night with Mary.

You can read the entire story of Jesus' birthday below:
Matthew 1:18-2:23 and Luke 1:5-2:40

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